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Summit Achievement

Summit Achievement


Residential Treatment Center Wilderness Therapy Program

Full Program


Summit Achievement is a licensed residential treatment program in the State of Maine. Students participate in a hybrid curriculum that involves 4 nights per week on our campus, attending school and participating in intensive individual, family and milieu therapy. Students that spend 3 nights of each week on adventure activities backpacking, canoeing or rock/ice climbing in the White Mountains of Maine and New Hampshire. Students can also transition to Summit Traverse (either from Achievement or another wilderness program), a short-term therapeutic boarding program that allows the same level of intensive therapy while attending school 5-days per week, with structured, healthy weekend activities to work on implementing the skills learned during the wilderness experience. Both Achievement and Traverse have weekly family therapy by video conference, phone, or in person, and families are assigned a parent coach and work through our unique parent curriculum. Students have overnight visits and in the Traverse program will work up to week-long visits at home to practice newfound skills within their family system.

Additional Info

Financial Aid Available : Yes

Insurance Accepted : No

SEVIS approved and accepts foreign students : Yes

Average Length of Stay : 8-10 weeks

College Prep Available : Yes

For Profit or Nonprofit : For Profit

Gender Type : All Genders (non-binary)

Age Range Served : 13 to 21

Chief Executive Officer : Nichol Ernst

Student Profile : ADD/ADHD, Adoption/Attachment Issues, Anxiety, ASD, Depression, Divorce Issues, Grief, Learning Disability, Low Self-Esteem

Accredited Academic Grade Levels : 7th - 12th, Post-grad

National Accreditation Body : Association for Experiential Education (AEE)

State Licensing Agency : Office of Child and Family Services

Membership Type

Full Program

NATSAP Bulletin: Quarterly Newsletter

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