Benjamin Mason
Additional Info
Description of Services : Principal: personal and professional services consulting firm of Mason Associates. Clients come from North America and abroad. Specialties include: educational assessment; traditional primary and secondary boarding school placement; case management for special populations: pre-teens and troubled adolescents, year-off and interim college-age students, young adults (18-28) and special ed populations of all ages. Intervention services also are provided. Mr. Mason and his associates travel extensively throughout the US, Canada and Europe to visit and assess schools, hospitals, therapeutic and wilderness programs, colleges and specialized residential treatment facilities. The firm frequently works with overseas families and also advises international educators. Mr. Mason also does market feasibility and program development consulting with schools, therapeutic programs, authors and companies in the education industry. Established 1987.
Please Indicate your specialty : ADD/ADHD, Adoption/Attachment Issues, Anxiety, ASD, Bipolar, Depression, Divorce Issues, Eating Disorders, Failure to Launch, Grief, Learning Disability, Low-Self Esteem, OCD, Self-Harm/Cutting, Sexual Addictions, Social/Emotional/Psychiatric Issues, Substance Abuse, Trauma
How many years of experience : 36
Education and Expertise : Harvard, AB, Harvard, Med Columbia Business School, many CEU trainings in 36 years
Membership Type
Individual Professional