Brandi Elliott
Additional Info
Description of Services : Brandi has 30 years' experience working with at-risk adolescents, young adults, their families and the programs who serve them. Brandi's compassionate yet direct nature and extensive program experience make her a sought-after Therapeutic Consultant and Parent Coach where she works privately with individuals and families in need of supportive coaching, placement consultation, crisis intervention and Case Management. Working within the therapeutic program arena, Brandi has succeeded in various positions, including Executive Director, Case Manager, Risk Manager, Admissions and Business Development. As a Program Consultant, Brandi has supported wilderness, transitional, residential treatment, therapeutic boarding, chemical dependency programs and insurance underwriters with risk management, admissions, staff training, parent education, program development, regulatory compliance and leadership coaching. Brandi's wide experience and powerful insight allows her to address issues from an objective yet understanding perspective.
Please Indicate your specialty : ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Divorce Issues, Failure to Launch, Learning Disability, Low-Self Esteem, Social/Emotional/Psychiatric Issues, Substance Abuse, Trauma
How many years of experience : 30
Please indicate your profession : Educational Consultant

Membership Type
Individual Professional