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Cynthia Cohen

Cynthia Cohen

Director, Pathway Partners
Individual Professional

Additional Info

Description of Services : After moving from teaching second grade in Harlem to editing anenvironmental magazine, Cynthia entered the field of public healthwhere she worked in health care planning and management and wasthe administrator of a large psychiatric hospital, where she alsoorganized a research project across five institutions in the UnitedStates. Then she worked extensively in education. After learningabout the life changing potential of wilderness therapy for an entirefamily when her son participated in a program as an adolescent, shestarted Pathway Partners in 2009. Through Pathway Partners sheand her staff have had the opportunity to help adolescents and youngadults who have struggling and suffering to regain a sense of wellbeingand begin to lead active and productive lives. Cynthia is also the director of TAPA -Therapeutic Alliance of Program Alumni.

Please Indicate your specialty : ADD/ADHD, Adoption/Attachment Issues, Anxiety, ASD, Bipolar, Depression, Divorce Issues, Eating Disorders, Failure to Launch, Grief, Learning Disability, OCD, Sexual Addictions, Substance Abuse, Trauma

How many years of experience : 13

Education and Expertise : MSPH

Membership Type

Individual Professional

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