Dana Doering
Cedar City , UT , United States
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- http://www.deandoering.com
Additional Info
Description of Services : A National and International Educational Consultant, specializing in therapeutic andcomplex case assessment; special needs case management and educational planning &placement; child and adolescent learning & development; young adult assessment, treatment &transition planning; and complex case disposition. A leading Therapeutic Educational PlacementSpecialist in the USA/North America and Canada.National Board Certification in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Mental Health, licensedas an ARNP, Advanced Registered Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, in private practice in theStates of Washington, Idaho and Oregon, and in good standing with all states, and with allNational Board Certification qualifications. Also a Title 26 GAL on King County Registry.President of AAPPN 2017-2019, Association of Advanced Psychiatric Practice Nurses.A Full Member in good standing of the Independent Educational Consultants Association(IECA). One of only 350 consultants worldwide with special needs and therapeutic specialtydesignation granted by IECA. I am also a national Therapeutic Special Needs consultant,specializing in therapeutic and complex case assessment, case management, and complex casedisposition and planning.A 45-year career in child development, child, adolescent & young adult psychiatricdiagnosis and treatment, family systems, learning issues and study of relevant research. Ihave sought extensive training in gender-specific child, adolescent and young adult mental healthconcerns and facilitate their access to care and treatment.Training in Washington State Mediation, GAL Title 26 training, reunification training,divorce and custody intervention, high conflict family management, DV and ParentingCoordination. A Title 26 GAL on King County Registry. Served as President of AFCCWashingtonfor 2013-2015. Served the WA courts to conduct evaluations, investigations,parenting coordination, and reunification efforts in Washington State, both by stipulation andcourt order from the Superior Courts of Washington, as well as other states, including Alaskaand the Supreme Court of Idaho.Appointed Parenting Coordinator with quasi-judicial assigned authority, in Idaho andWashington states in multiple cases, both by stipulation and by Superior & Supreme Courtassignments.
Please Indicate your specialty : ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Bipolar, Eating Disorders, Failure to Launch, Learning Disability, OCD, Trauma
Membership Type
Individual Professional