Joseph Dobson
Additional Info
Description of Services : Jody pursued a career in education right out of college, working with kids and their families for over 30 years at four independent schools. In addition to teaching at the elementary, middle and high school levels, Jody also served in administrative positions as Director of Admission, Director of School Placement, Head of Middle School and English Department Head. He has a BA from Williams College and an MA from Columbia University Teachers College.Jody started Dobson Educational Services in 1998, working to help families find the best academic and therapeutic placements for all ages, elementary school to young adult. He has presented at national and local teacher conferences on educational and child development topics. Jody regularly attends national conferences and visits schools and programs across the country, both academic and therapeutic. He is a member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA), the Learning Disabilities Association of America, the Small Boarding Schools Association, The Association of Boarding Schools, the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, and the Secondary Schools Admissions Test Board (SSAT). He has served on the Board of Trustees of the IECA Foundation and the IECA Board of Directors.
Please Indicate your specialty : ADD/ADHD, Adoption/Attachment Issues, Anxiety, ASD, Bipolar, Depression, Divorce Issues, Eating Disorders, Failure to Launch, Grief, Learning Disability, Low-Self Esteem, OCD, Self-Harm/Cutting, Sexual Addictions, Social/Emotional/Psychiatric Issues, Substance Abuse, Trauma
How many years of experience : 25
Education and Expertise : Williams College BA, Columbia University MA, Teacher and Administrator - Greenwich Country Day School, Chestnut Hill Academy, Town School, Shady Side Academy Educational Consultant 1998 - present
Membership Type
Individual Professional