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Kathy Nauta

Kathy Nauta

Therapeutic & Educational Consultant, Kathy Nauta Educational Consulting, LLC
Individual Professional

Additional Info

Description of Services : I guide children, adolescents and young adults, who are not reaching their full potential, find the right schools and resources , so that they can acquire the skills for lasting change.

Please Indicate your specialty : ADD/ADHD, Adoption/Attachment Issues, Anxiety, ASD, Bipolar, Depression, Divorce Issues, Failure to Launch, Grief, Learning Disability, Low-Self Esteem, OCD, Self-Harm/Cutting, Sexual Addictions, Social/Emotional/Psychiatric Issues, Substance Abuse, Trauma

How many years of experience : 9

Education and Expertise : My education started as a parent and mental health advocate for my child. I took the NAMI Basics Class and then I taught the class to parents. I educated myself through the trainings offered by NJ's SPAN (Statewide Parent Advocacy Network) and then taught the trainings to other parents. I was a Parent Advocate for Family Partners through the NJ Children's System of Care. I then took COPAA's course and became a Special Education Advocate and interned with a Special Education Attorney. This journey ultimately led me to my passion, helping families like myself, find the right resources for their child, adolescent and young adult.

Please indicate your profession : Educational Consultant


Membership Type

Individual Professional

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