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Superheroes Are Real and Among Us

Superheroes Are Real and Among Us

March 2024

By Alec Stone, MA, MPA, NATSAP Executive Director

        We can’t help what we are, only what life we choose to make for ourselves.”
Wonder Woman

These remain extraordinary times. The political environment, the economic uncertainty, and of course the assault on the therapeutic schools and programs community. With recent negative publicity painting a broad brush across the entire field, it is challenging to remember the exceptional impact NATSAP members have on thousands of students across the country every day. But that is the beauty of the mental and behavioral health environment—resilience.

“In times of crisis, the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers.”
Black Panther

In a 24/7 news cycle seeking to sensationalize complex situations, tantalizing topics often wrench emotions and heighten resentment, make for good copy. But these exposés only leave a wake of discontent, without providing any real solutions to some very real problems. Those who have committed themselves to helping others during their most vulnerable times should be lauded, not lambasted. And while the industry is under scrutiny, the strength of healthcare providers, educators, therapists, and professional staff remains high. It is a testament to the kind of people who are making a difference in the lives of others.

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

As NATSAP begins our 25th year, the Association recommits to the highest ethical standards and adherence to the strongest principles of care. Members have transformed the mental and behavioral health arena, literally changing how adolescent treatment is understood and practiced. Driven by evidence-based research, schools and programs strive for patient-centered care that meets the individual where they are for successful outcomes. It is this mantra that drives the community to review and adapt to best practices. Few professions take an introspective look and evolve to better serve.

“Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”

It’s a process. The ebb and flow of life takes us to places often unknown and unintended. They say it is not the destination but the journey and each person’s path is different, requiring different kinds of support. Whether therapeutic day school or psychiatric hospital, boarding school or wilderness program, NATSAP members bring an abundance of expertise and resources to the table. The Association, with its growing membership, will continue to speak as a singular voice for the community, advancing mental and behavioral health as an equal partner in overall care. NATSAP serves as an advocate for innovation. We meet society’s need for the effective care and education of struggling young people and their families. Our members are superheroes!


“There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.”

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