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Mountain Lake Academy

Mountain Lake Academy


Therapeutic Boarding School Residential Treatment Center Wilderness Therapy Program

Full Program


Located in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains in New York State, Mountain Lake Academy offers students the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential by enhancing their intellectual, physical, emotional and social growth. Mountain Lake Academy offers a holistic, family-oriented approach that encompasses an experiential long-term residential program with an outstanding educational curriculum to deliver proven results. Professional educators, clinicians, and residential counselors assist young men in becoming responsible, productive, and contributing members of their families, communities, and society. A multi-disciplinary approach seamlessly integrates academics, outdoor education, recreation, clinical services, and residential life, delivered in a highly-structured, yet nurturing environment. Serving grades 7-12, all students at Mountain Lake Academy are on a Regent's graduation track in a program that emphasizes preparation for a successful transition back to the home district using a supportive, structured, small-class setting which are aligned with the New York State Education Standards. Regardless of a student's grade level, Mountain Lake Academy staff are focused on preparing for a successful transition after discharge. All experiences throughout the student's day focus on building positive social change, challenging personal perceptions of limitations, and building on successes from prior activities. Four-season experiential education outside of the classroom is the foundation of Mountain Lake Academy's progressive therapeutic model. Students work towards a successful discharge from Mountain Lake Academy by demonstrating growth and mastery through a carefully planned Phase System that is individualized for each student. As students progress through the Mountain Lake Academy phases they earn increased responsibility and opportunities to demonstrate to both self and others that their healthy changes are lasting and reliable. A significant part of the student's experience, challenges, and growth occurs in the wilderness setting that surrounds our campus. Students participate in after school activities such as hiking, biking, canoeing, backcountry skiing, snowshoeing, and rock climbing around the Adirondack Park. These activities are carefully chosen and facilitated by trained and experienced staff to promote learning, personal growth, and positive change. Our therapeutic programming capitalizes on the innate sense of adventure our students have, paired with the natural environment of the Adirondack Mountains.  These immersive wildland experiences available at our New York State-approved therapeutic school are difficult to replicate anywhere else east of the Rocky Mountains.

Additional Info

Financial Aid Available : No

Insurance Accepted : No

SEVIS approved and accepts foreign students : No

Average Length of Stay : 12-18 months

College Prep Available : Yes

For Profit or Nonprofit : Nonprofit

Gender Type : Male only (as assigned at birth)

Age Range Served : 12 to 21

Chief Executive Officer : Christopher Mariano

Student Profile : ADD/ADHD, Adoption/Attachment Issues, Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, Divorce Issues, Grief, Learning Disability, Low Self-Esteem, OCD, Self-Harm/Cutting, Social/Emotional/Psychiatric Issues, Trauma

Accredited Academic Grade Levels : 7th - 12th

National Accreditation Body : Council on Accreditation (CoA)

State Licensing Agency : Office for Children and Families

Membership Type

Full Program

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