Rogers Behavioral Health
Residential Treatment Center
Oconomowoc , WI , United States
- (800) 767-4411
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Rogers Behavioral Health offers stays lasting 30 to 90 days, daily therapy and a supportive, home-like setting. Patients receive direct access to board- certified psychiatrists and evidence-based treatment from a multidisciplinary team of experts. RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Offers evidence-based therapies to address substance use and the mental health challenges that are at the root of the dependence. Experiential therapy and addiction education complement regular programming. Eating Disorder Recovery: Adolescents focus on CBT with an emphasis in ERP to address anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating, and other eating disorders as well as family therapy. Nashotah Center for DBT: A program for teen girls suffering from emotional dysregulation and self-harming behaviors. Teens are immersed in DBT to gain skills that improve safety, relationships, self- esteem, quality of life and resilience. Focus Depression Recovery: Adolescents with a primary diagnosis of depression or other mood disorders, participate in individual and group therapy that includes CBT, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and behavioral activation (BA). OCD, Anxiety, and Depression Center: For adolescents with a primary diagnosis of an anxiety disorder with significant co-occurring depression. Patients receive a mix of CBT, DBT, exposure and response prevention (ERP), and behavioral activation. OCD and Anxiety Center: Rogers' nationally recognized OCD and Anxiety Center puts children and teens at the center of care. With separate spaces for each of the two age groups, treatment focuses on helping youth and families work as partners to regain the life they enjoy. Rogers is a private, not-for-profit provider of behavioral health services and is nationally recognized for its specialized psychiatry and addiction services. We offer evidence- based treatment for adults, children, and adolescents with depression and other mood disorders, eating disorders, addiction, obsessive-compulsive and anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Our mission is to provide highly effective mental health and addiction treatment that helps people reach their full potential for health and well-being.
Additional Info
Financial Aid Available : No
Insurance Accepted : Yes
SEVIS approved and accepts foreign students : No
College Prep Available : No
For Profit or Nonprofit : Nonprofit
Gender Type : All Genders (non-binary)
Age Range Served : 8 to 30
Chief Executive Officer : Cindy Meyer
Student Profile : ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, ASD, Bipolar, Depression, Failure to Launch, Low Self-Esteem, OCD, Substance Abuse, Trauma
Membership Type
Full Program