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Announcing Programmatic Changes at Asheville Academy: Optimizing Family Involvement and Treatment Plans

Announcing Programmatic Changes at Asheville Academy: Optimizing Family Involvement and Treatment Plans

March 2024 Release

Amy Ferriss | Business Development & Admissions Coordinator | Asheville Academy | Learn More                   

Asheville Academy announces significant programmatic changes that continues to optimize family involvement and treatment plans for more efficient outcomes.

Firstly, Asheville Academy is pleased to announce the appointment of Tabitha Pack, MA, LCMHC, as the new Clinical Director. With a wealth of experience in therapeutic interventions, Tabitha is dedicated to enhancing the clinical aspects of the program, ensuring that each student receives individualized and impactful treatment.

Additional improvements include Jane Rosseth, MA, LMFT, a seasoned professional with a background in family therapy, now leading our family programming initiatives as the Clinical Supervisor and Head of Family Programming. This shift emphasizes Asheville Academy’s commitment to actively involve families in their children's therapeutic journey.

As part of their commitment to continuous improvement, Asheville Academy has extensively reviewed data on student outcomes. A notable trend indicates that heavy family involvement correlates with shorter lengths of stay. In response to this insight, the team has strengthened their family programming efforts to make significant impact in a shorter timeframe for suitable students. 

Over the years, Asheville Academy has measured the efficacy of more personalized approaches, adjusting students’ phase work to be highly individualized based on each family’s treatment plans and goals. Alongside the staff changes and strengthened family programming, the current therapeutic programming offers more comprehensive support for each student, ensuring a more targeted and effective therapeutic journey.

“We are committed to the well-being of our students and their families. The appointment of Tabitha as Clinical Director and Jane as Clinical Supervisor and Head of Family Programming reflects our dedication to enhancing clinical excellence and family involvement,” says Executive Director Cat Jennings. “By tailoring our treatment plans to be highly individualized based on goals, we strive to make a lasting impact in the shortest time possible. Our focus is not just on short-term success but on facilitating meaningful, long-term changes for our students, ensuring they return home equipped with the tools for sustained growth and progress."

In light of industry trends toward shorter-term programs and the financial strains on families in recent years, Asheville Academy is committed to delivering impactful work in the shortest time possible, with an average length of stay of 6 to 12 months. Length of stay is highly tailored around the student's individual progress, family's implementation of skills, and readiness for future placement.  With an increased focus on intensive support, family services, and transition planning, students could be ready for graduation as quickly as 6 months but are supported with longer length of stay as needed. The focus remains on achieving meaningful, long-term changes and progress for students while facilitating their return to their homes sooner.

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